Transform Posture and Strengthen your Lower Back with Amazing Yoga Poses!

Transform Posture and Strengthen your Lower Back with Amazing Yoga Poses!

Yoga is a centuries-old practice with numerous benefits for the mind and body. Among its many advantages, yoga can help improve posture and strengthen the lower back, which are common issues many people face due to prolonged sitting and a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, by incorporating specific yoga poses into your daily routine, you can target these problem areas and experience increased strength, mobility, and flexibility. In this article, we will explore some amazing yoga poses that can transform your posture and strengthen your lower back, helping you to feel more confident and comfortable. These poses are accessible and effective, making them valuable to any wellness routine.

Warm Up: Yoga for Lower Back

1. Three Part Breaths

For this exercise, you need a yoga block, pillow, or thick books for support.

Begin in an upright sitting position on a yoga block with your spine straight, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Then place one hand on your lower belly and the opposite on your abdomen. Hold in this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose. On your next inhale, fill your lower belly with air up through to your throat, then exhale and release the air from your throat down to your lower belly. Then, relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement. Start with 1 set of 2 repetitions.

You can opt to do the exercise without support.

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 Three Part Breaths

2. Prayer Hands

Begin in an upright sitting position, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Cross your legs, then bring your palms together to your chest, and once you feel relaxed, hold this position for several deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Return to the starting position.

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Prayer Hands

3. Infinity Circles

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor with your legs folded underneath your thighs. Engage your abdominal area. Interlace your fingers and start a gentle infinity circular motion to open the wrist before starting your practice.

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Infinity Circles 

Routine: Yoga for Lower Back

1. Cat-Cow

Begin in a 4-point position with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips while maintaining good alignment of your head, shoulders, and hips. Then, contract your abdominal area. Inhale, then slowly lift your head and arch your mid-back. Exhale and slowly round out your mid-back as you lower your head downward. Alternately repeat the movement. Start with 1 set of 5 repetitions.

cat-cow 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
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2. Child’s Pose

Begin in an upright kneeling position with your knees wider than the shoulder-width apart and your big toes touching each other. Tighten your abdominal area. Shift your hips back to your feet and extend your arms in front. Drop your forehead down, relaxing your mid-back area for a light stretch. Then, take a couple of deep belly breaths through your nose and out through your mouth. Hold this position for a few seconds. Relax and return to the starting position.

You can opt to do the exercise with a yoga block for support.

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Child’s Pose

3. Progressive Exercises

a. Child’s Pose with Prayer Hands

From the Child’s Pose end position, engage your core and bring your palms together to the back of your head. Hold this position for several deep belly breaths, through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax and return to the starting position.

progressive exercise - Yoga for Lower Back
Child’s Pose with Prayer Hands

b. Child’s Pose with Palms to Shoulder Back

From the Child’s Pose with Prayer Hands, bring your hands above your head and open your palms, then lower your hands down to the back of your shoulders, extending and pressing your elbows against the floor for a light stretch on your shoulders. Then, hold this position for several deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax and return to the starting position.

shoulder back-start - Yoga for Lower Back
shoulder back-end

Child’s Pose with Palms to Upper Back

4. Seated Spinal Twist​​

seated spinal twist 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
seated spinal twist 2

Begin in an upright sitting position, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Engage your core, then place one hand on your opposite thigh. Twist your upper body to one side, while reaching back with your other hand for a light stretch. Take a couple of deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Then, return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the opposite side.

You can do this in a lying position with or without support.

Seated Spinal Twist

Variation 1 - Seated Spinal Twist

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor with your legs straight, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Engage your abdominal area. Fold one leg and place your opposite hand on your leg, while reaching back with your other hand for a light stretch. Then, relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

spinal twist variation 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 1

Variation 2 - Seated Spinal Twist

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor with your legs straight, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Engage your abdominal area. Then, bend one leg, while reaching back the other hand for a light stretch. Then bring the opposite arm overhead, bend your arm down to the outsides of your opposite knee, and twist your upper body to one side. Hold this position for several deep belly breaths, through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax and return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

spinal twist variation 2-start - Yoga for Lower Back
spinal twist variation 2-middle spinal twist variation 2-end

Variation 2

5. Legs up the Wall

You need a yoga block,  pillow, or cushion for this exercise.

Lie on your back on the floor and place your hips near the wall, then extend your legs upward against the wall, then place a yoga block under your hips. Engage your abdominal muscles. Then, place your hands onto your sides or hands on the opposite elbows. Hold the position for several deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

You can opt to do the exercise without a wall.

legs up on the wall - Yoga for Lower Back
Legs up the Wall

6. Wide Legged Squat

Move to a Downward dog position with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, while maintaining good alignment of your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Position your heels inward while your toes face outward at a 45-degree angle. Then, lower your seat into a squat position with your hands together, while palms facing each other at your heart center. Push your elbows into your knees and engage your glutes. Push your shoulders down. Hold this position for several deep belly breaths. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

You can exercise with a yoga block or roll a mat for support.

wide legged squat - Yoga for Lower Back
Wide Legged Squat

Variation 1 - Wide Legged Squat

Begin in an upright standing position with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, while maintaining good alignment of your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Next, position your heels inward while your toes face outward at a 45-degree angle. Lower your seat into a semi-wide-legged squat position with your hands together, while palms facing each other at your heart center. Then, push your elbows into your knees and engage your glutes. Hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Relax and return to the starting position.

wide legged squat variation 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 1 

Cool Downs: Yoga for Lower Back

1. Windshield Wiper

Begin in an upright sitting position with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, while reaching back the hands. Then, tighten your abdominal area and bend your lower body to alternately drop your knees from side to side. After that, hold each position for a few seconds. Repeat the movements. Return to the starting position.

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 Windshield Wiper

2. Forward Fold with Rag Doll

Begin upright with your feet hip-width apart, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Tighten your core and hinge through your hips to bend your upper body forward. Then slowly lower your head and arms to reach for your toes while keeping your knees soft. Hold this position for several deep belly breaths. Raise back up to the starting position.

To intensify the exercise, swing from side to side.

forward fold - Yoga for Lower Back
Forward Fold with Rag Doll

Variation Exercises

Variation 1 - Forward Fold with Rag Doll

Move to a Forward Fold position, with both hands on the block, while maintaining good alignment. Engage your core, then gently bend both knees while keeping your toes pushing against the floor. Hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

forward fold variation 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 1

Variation 2 - Forward Fold with Rag Doll

Move to a Forward Fold position, keeping your feet planted on the floor and while maintaining good alignment. Engage your core and bring your hands on your shins. Then, hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

forward fold variation 2 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 2

Variation 3 - Forward Fold with Rag Doll

For this exercise, you need a yoga block for support.

Move to a Forward Fold position with your hands on a yoga block, while maintaining good alignment. Contract your abdominal area. Alternately micro, bend your knees a few times. When you feel relaxed, slightly bend both knees and slowly push your chest towards your thighs as closely as possible. Then, hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose.​​

forward fold variation 3-start - Yoga for Lower Back
forward fold variation 3-middle
forward fold variation 3-end

Variation 3

Variation 4 - Forward Fold with Rag Doll

For this exercise, you need a yoga block for support.

Move to a Forward Fold position with both hands on a yoga block, while maintaining good alignment. Engage your core. Slowly lower your head to your hands while bringing your knees to your arms. Then, hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose. Relax and return to the starting position.

forward fold variation 4 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 4

 3. Bound Angle Pose

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Bend your knees out to the sides, bringing the soles of your feet together. Then, hold onto your toes with both hands and pull your heels closer toward you, elongating your spine. Hold this position for a couple of seconds. Relax and repeat the movement.

bound angle pose - Yoga for Lower Back
Bound Angle Pose

Variation Exercises

Variation 1 - Bound Angle Pose

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Bend your knees out to the sides, bringing the soles of your feet together. Next, engage your core and slightly hinge through your hips to bend your body forward. Then, hold this position for a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose. Relax and return to the starting position.

For this exercise, you can place your arms on the outsides of your legs.

bound angle pose variation 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 1

Variation 2 - Bound Angle Pose

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Bend your knees out to the sides, bringing the soles of your feet together. Contract your abdominal area. Tuck the tailbone and widen your shoulder blades to the sides. Hold both shins with each hand, then lower your chin towards your chest. Slowly, hinge through your hips to bend your body forward, while bringing your head down to your feet. Hold this position for 8 deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose. Relax and return to the starting position.

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 Variation 2

Variation 3 - Bound Angle Pose

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Then, bend your knees out to the sides, while bringing the soles of your feet together, Place your palms on your knees. Relax and return to the starting position.

bound angle pose variation 3 - Yoga for Lower Back
Variation 3

 Repeat Windshield Wiper

4. Seated Forward Fold

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, while maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Extend both legs in front of your body with your feet together and your toes pointing upward. Next, contract your core and bring your hands overhead, then hinge through your hips to bend your upper body forward. Reach your toes with both hands and close your eyes. Hold this position for 8 deep belly breaths, in through your nose and out through your nose. Relax and return to the starting position.

seated forward fold 1 - Yoga for Lower Back
seated forward fold 2

 Seated Forward Fold

Practicing yoga is an effective way to transform your posture and strengthen your lower back. Incorporating various yoga poses into your daily routine can improve your core stability and increase your flexibility while reducing the risk of lower back injuries.

Yoga poses such as downward-facing dog, cobra pose, and bridge pose can help alleviate pain and discomfort in your lower back while providing various other health benefits for your body and mind. Furthermore, by committing to a regular yoga practice, you can experience the amazing benefits of yoga and achieve a stronger, healthier body and mind.

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