Regulated Nervous System

Meditation: A Gateway To A Regulated Nervous System

Ancient history is rich with the practice of meditation, which remains a potent portal to a relaxation state. Science has guaranteed the impactful effect of meditation in pursuit of calmness. Many studies showed proof of a relationship between Parasympathetic Nervous System activation and meditation. This parasympathetic nervous system stimulation initiates a chain of physiological shifts, including reducing heart rate and blood pressure, easing muscle tension, and tempering the body's stress response. Consequently, these changes lead to a state of calm within our bodies. To experience this profound calmness for yourself, here's a meditation routine to achieve regulated nervous system.

Understanding the Role of Nervous System

The nervous system is crucial in coordinating and regulating various functions in the human body. The CNS (Central Nervous System) and PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) act as the body's communication network, facilitating the exchange of information among various organs, tissues, and cells. The brain and spinal cord, together forming the central nervous system (CNS), are accountable for processing sensory information, initiating motor responses, and controlling higher-order functions like thought and memory.

Conversely, the PNS extends throughout the body, transmitting signals between the CNS and the peripheral organs and muscles. It also comprises the autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The sympathetic nervous system is important in the "fight or flight" response, activating when the body faces stress or danger, increasing heart rate, and releasing stress hormones.

In contrast, the parasympathetic nervous system promotes relaxation and recovery, counterbalancing the sympathetic division. This dual regulatory activity of the nervous system controls and ensures the body can adapt to various situations and also maintain stability.

The Importance of Nervous System Regulation

Regulated Nervous System

The importance of regulation within the nervous system cannot be overstated, especially in avoiding nervous system dysregulation. It ensures that the body maintains a state of homeostasis, where internal conditions are kept stable and balanced. For instance, the sympathetic nervous system is critical in regulating the "fight or flight" response, increasing alertness, and preparing the body to respond to a perceived threat. After the threat subsides, the parasympathetic nervous system responds to restore calm and reduce stress levels.

Moreover, this dynamic interplay between the two divisions is crucial for adapting to stressors and returning to equilibrium. Without effective regulation, the body would be prone to chaos and dysfunction, leading to various health issues and potentially life-threatening consequences.

To sum up, the nervous system, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis and regulating bodily functions, ensuring overall health and well-being.

How Does Yoga Contribute to Nervous System Regulation?

Yoga contributes significantly to nervous system regulation through various mechanisms, making it a valuable practice for mental and physical health. Here are some ways in which yoga helps regulate the nervous system:

1. Stress Reduction

Yoga incorporates relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, and meditation, which activate the parasympathetic nervous system, helping even with chronic stress. This activation promotes the "rest and digest" response, reducing stress hormones like cortisol and, in turn, lowering overall stress levels.

2. Breath Control

Yoga strongly emphasizes conscious and controlled breathing, known as pranayama. This practice helps regulate the autonomic nervous system by enhancing the parasympathetic response, calming the mind, and also reducing the fight-or-flight response associated with the sympathetic nervous system.

3. Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection fostered by yoga encourages awareness of bodily sensations and emotions. This awareness can also help individuals recognize signs of nervous system dysregulation and take proactive steps to restore balance through yoga postures and mindfulness practices.

4. Improved Sleep

Improve Sleep

Many people struggle with sleep due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Yoga can help with sleep quality by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, leading to better regulation of sleep-wake cycles.

5. Enhanced Resilience

Consistent yoga can lead to long-term structural and functional changes in the brain, promoting resilience to stress and emotional stability. This also helps individuals adapt to stressors, thereby preventing chronic nervous system dysregulation.

6. Physical Benefits

Physical yoga postures, or asanas, can relieve physical tension and improve flexibility. This reduction in physical stress can also positively impact the nervous system by preventing the feedback loop between physical and emotional tension.

In summary, yoga contributes to nervous system regulation by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, improving breath control, boosting the immune system, enhancing the mind-body connection, and fostering better sleep and emotional resilience. These benefits, among others, make yoga an effective practice for maintaining a balanced and healthy nervous system alleviating chronic pain associated with nervous system regulation. Here are a series of meditations to regulate your nervous system. 

Meditation to Heal Dysregulated Nervous System

1. Intention Meditation

Begin in an upright sitting position with your legs crossed in front of your body, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Close your eyes or use a blindfold to create a soothing darkness, allowing a deep sense of calm to soothe your tired eyes. Relax your face, forehead, and eyebrows, and then your awareness to include your body and the essence of everything around you. Seek solace in your presence, unbothered from the day's trials or perhaps even the entire week.

Moreover, let this practice be a haven for cleansing and revitalization, like a gentle wave washing away life's stresses, leaving you feeling renewed and ready to be your best self. As you journey inward, focus on your breath, paying close attention to each inhale and then exhale. With each breath, release tension, cradling your body in a peaceful serenity.

Intention Meditation
Intention Meditation

2. Mindful Ear Massage

In this meditation for regulated nervous system, begin in an upright sitting position with your legs crossed in front of your body, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. As you focus on your breathing, gently massage your ears one at a time, tapping into their connection to the nervous system. Start from the top of the ear, down towards the earlobe, gently pressing and pulling. The ears, rich in nerve endings, signal your body to release tension, slow your heart rate, and reduce stress hormones. Pay close attention to the sensation it left and your breath, letting them come together peacefully. 

Mindful Ear Massage
Mindful Ear Massage
Mindful Ear Massage

3. Deep Breathing

Begin in an upright sitting position with your legs crossed in front of your body, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Inhale gently and then deeply through your nostrils. Experience the sensation of the air entering your lungs and expanding your belly as you take each breath. As you exhale, let your breath flow out slowly and completely through your mouth, releasing any tension or stress as you breathe out. Visualize yourself exhaling any negative energy with your breath. Continue this pattern of deep inhalation through the nose and a big, deliberate exhalation through the mouth. Stay connected to the soothing sensation of your deep breaths as you continue this peace.

Deep Breathing
Deep Breathing

4. Side Neck Stretch

In this meditation for regulated nervous system, begin in an upright sitting position with your legs crossed in front of your body, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Extend one arm out to your side, with your palms facing downward. Looking for a light stretch along the side of the neck, drop one ear towards your shoulder and use your opposite hand to pull your head closer to your shoulder gently.

As you inhale deeply, release any tension in your body. As you exhale, allow the gentle weight of your hand to tilt your head toward the ear, creating a mild stretch in your neck. Hold this position and stay connected to the sensations. Take a few deep belly breaths, in through your nose and then out through your mouth.  When ready, return to the starting position, embracing the stillness, and gracefully repeat this soothing movement on the opposite side.

Regulated Nervous System
Side Neck Stretch

5. Lying Meditation

Lie on your back with your legs extended on the floor, maintaining good alignment in your head, shoulders, hips, and legs. Close your eyes and then let your body settle to full relaxation. Place your hands clasped behind your head, using your thumbs to gently pull your head through the neck, releasing any tension. Allow your chest to open. Focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling naturally, and then let the gentle rhythm soothe your mind. As you lay there, let any remaining tension or worries gently drift away. Feel the weight of your body as it melds with the floor beneath, grounding you in the present moment. 

Lying Meditation
Lying Meditation

6. Eye-Relaxation Meditation

In this meditation for regulated nervous system, from the Lying Meditation, gently shift your awareness to your closed eyes. As you keep them closed, let your gaze wander to the right, feeling any lingering tension begin to melt away. Take a few controlled breaths into your belly while holding this position. Then, bring your gaze back to the center, and bask in the relaxation that flows in. Gradually, guide your gaze to the left, holding it there for a few seconds as you release any remaining tension. Gently return your gaze to the center and take a moment to notice the subtle shifts and changes in your eyes.

7. Breathing Meditation

From the end position of Eye-Relaxation Meditation, bring your arms to your sides, palms facing upwards, completely resting against the ground. Take deep belly breaths, imagining that the air you breathe is soothingly traveling from your lungs and roaming to the rest of your body parts. Imagine your body melting away softly like butter, soaking yourself with smoothness.

Breathing Meditation
Breathing Meditation

8. Meditation for Self-compassion

From the last position, place your hands on your heart with one over the other, imagining you hugging your heart. Inhale slowly and deeply, and then as you exhale, visualize sending love and compassion to yourself. Permit your body to feel deserving of love and kindness. With each breath, release self-criticism and judgment and also embrace a sense of self-compassion. Hold this nurturing space for a few minutes, appreciating your worth and well-being.

Regulated Nervous System
Meditation for Self-compassion

9. Seated Prayer Hands

Begin in an upright sitting position on the floor, maintaining good alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Then, place your hands together at the center of your chest and close your eyes. Hold this position while you take several deep belly breaths, in through your nose and then exhale through pursed lips.

Regulated Nervous System
Seated Prayer Hands

Diseases Involving the Nervous System

1. Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's primarily affects the cerebral cortex of the brain, resulting in the gradual loss of cognitive function, memory, and reasoning.

2. Parkinson's Disease

Primarily impacts the basal ganglia, a brain region responsible for coordinating motor movements. This leads to tremors, rigidity, and also bradykinesia (slow movement).

3. Multiple Sclerosis

MS also affects the central nervous system, specifically the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers. This causes a range of neurological symptoms, including problems with balance, coordination, and sensation.

4. Epilepsy

Epilepsy involves abnormal electrical activity in the brain, affecting various regions. The manifestation of seizures differs depending on where the abnormal activity occurs in the brain.

5. Migraines

Migraines are believed to involve the trigeminal nerve, which plays a role in sensation in the face and certain cranial blood vessels. They can also lead to severe headaches, often accompanied by visual disturbances.

6. Cerebral Palsy

Typically results from damage to the developing brain, often before birth or during early childhood, impacting motor control and coordination. 

7. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

ALS causes impairment to the motor neurons located in both the brain and then spinal cord, leading to muscle weakening, paralysis, and eventual respiratory failure.

8. Stroke


The effects of strokes can vary based on the specific region where a blood vessel is blocked or ruptured within the brain. The symptoms vary but include motor deficits, speech impairment, and cognitive changes. 

9. Huntington's Disease

This genetic disorder affects the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex, causing motor dysfunction, cognitive decline, and psychiatric symptoms.

10. Neurodegenerative Disorders

These conditions, including frontotemporal dementia and others, involve degeneration of specific brain regions and can also cause various cognitive and motor deficits.

11. Vagus Nerve Disorders

While not common, disorders that directly affect the vagus nerve can occur. Vagus nerve neuropathy, injury, or compression may lead to symptoms such as voice changes, difficulty swallowing, or digestive issues.

12. Gastrointestinal Disorders

The vagus nerve plays a significant role in regulating digestion. Disorders like gastroparesis, where the stomach is slow to empty its contents, may be associated with vagus nerve dysfunction.

13. Spinal Cord Injuries

Damage to the spinal cord, often due to traumatic injury, can also disrupt the communication between the brain and the rest of the body that the nervous system regulates. Paralysis can manifest in regions of the body beneath the injury site, leading to either quadriplegia, where all four limbs are paralyzed, or paraplegia, which involves paralysis in the lower part of the body. 


In the gentle embrace of these meditation practices, we discover that our pursuit of inner peace and tranquility need not be elusive. The ancient wisdom of meditation, bolstered by the scientific understanding of its impact on the parasympathetic nervous system, provides us with a profound tool for achieving a state of calm and balance.

By regular practice, we can engage the body's innate ability to reduce stress and also invite serenity during meditation and throughout our daily lives. Each breath and moment becomes an opportunity to nurture self-compassion and well-being.

Furthermore, as we close this meditation chapter, let us remember that embracing these practices is an act of self-care, a means of returning to our true essence, and a way to restore the balance between our mind and body. By committing to this journey, we tap into the timeless wisdom of meditation to find our sanctuary, inner calm, and peace within us.

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